
The pages below provide general overviews and walkthroughs of common technical topics.

  • Product Packaging Examples

    General Guidance Configuration of Server-Side Applications from Environment Variables Product configuration settings are best read upon every application boot by reading any number of key-value environment variables provided to you. Such end user values cannot be known at the time you build your product. The key naming convention is to: For example, your application may…

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  • Product Submission Checklist

    Base Requirements for All Product Listings For simply publishing to a catalog, curators will require the following: Additional Requirements For Distributable Software Products For users to utilize product distribution and deployment features, the following are also required for all pre-defined build and configuration options: Recommended Capabilities of Distributable Products While not a requirement, distributable products…

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  • Understanding Product Packaging

    “Publish Once, Deploy Anywhere” We help people adopt your products by removing barriers to deployment, evaluation, licensing, and operation. It’s a model designed to maximize your success, though requires upfront work. Containerization All “products” are submitted, managed, distributed, and run via immutable images. Each version is called a build. Users may download and deploy your…

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Product Packaging Examples

Understanding Product Packaging