
Skycapp is a healthcare application delivery platform.

Skycapp enables standards-conscious organizations to be build agile health IT infrastructures grounded in compatible, fluid data connectivity and truly interoperable software. Skycapp is the connective tissue providing application delivery conventions, curation, and product transparency, on top of prevailing data interoperability standards (i.e. FHIR), necessary to automate the delivery and operations of health and wellness software. Unlike conventional app stores, we don’t aim control your entire ecosystem, nor do we ingest and harvest your data. We do the opposite: providing one-click, plug-and-play applications onto your choice of infrastructure, mostly using FHIR-oriented public standards.

Implementing Skycapp is an incremental process designed to deliver immediate value while still pursuing the most powerful (yet demanding) application deployments. By adopting Skycapp, you may benefit from a broad array of Open Source and commercial solutions all delivered via a unified, simple management interface.

While we offer managed hosting of some applications in Skycapp’s cloud, larger healthcare systems will generally want a hybrid deployment model that does not require egress of patient data outside the corporate network. We fully support this paradigm, allowing for centralized product procurement and license management without sending us PHI.

The below diagram steps through the lifecycle of an independently developed application as it moves through the Skycapp supply chain to your users:

  1. Submitted to Skycapp Marketplace.
  2. Reconciled for dependencies and compatibility with our Open Source catalog.
  3. Published by our curation team.
  4. Discovered, evaluated and procured by your organization.
  5. Deployed either automatically or manually into your own on-premise or IaaS environment.
  6. Immediately accessible by clinical, administrative, patient, or other end users.

Regardless of where you run applications, you are in complete control of your data flow boundaries. The way it should be.