Global Look and Feel Stylesheet Overrides
We’ve added support for a much requested feature: customizing the UI look and feel! Operators may set the SKYCAPP_CUSTOM_CSS environment variable of the web client to a minified CSS stylesheet. The stylesheet will be injected dynamically as the website loads. Important: By overriding default styles, you are on the hook for maintaining them! Be sure to test your changes as new Skycapp releases roll out.

Product Details Redesign
Individual product details pages have been revamped to display without needing to scroll to the top of the page first. Now it will show less clutter for sparsely populated products and exhibit fewer layout quirks during page loads. Product instructions are now shown by default instead of the configuration wizard. It is now more visually clearer that product details are displayed as a modal dialog on top of the catalog.

Improved Tablet Rendering
While mobile devices aren’t the target format, more screens — such as product details pages — now flow better on smaller tablet screens with touch displays. Additionally, product descriptions and instruction blurbs (typically provided by product submitters) will be rendered in smaller, subtler fonts that flow and wrap better for different amounts of content and display orientations.
Global Email Notifications
Previously, email notifications could only be sent to product-specific notification lists and a global list of feedback receivers. Operators now may optionally set a SKYCAPP_EMAIL_GLOBAL_NOTIFY environment variable to a comma-separated list of email addresses. When provided, emails will be sent to those addresses for all the following events:
- Product creation
- Product publication
- Product unpublication
- Feedback creation

Additional Changes
- Many subtle UI quirks resolved.
- Email notification fixes for less common scenarios.
- General performance and optimization improvements.
- Improvements to telemetry support.