Atlanta, Georgia
September 21st, 2024

At the HL7 Connectathon in Atlanta, Georgia, Preston Lee presented recent updates and upcoming changes to HL7 FHIR Foundry. These updates bring a total of 67 published products to FHIR adopters, including the WildFHIR and FHIR Candle resource servers. In addition to the catalog, the session discussed new policies and processes actively being implemented to provide more consistent reference implementation (RI) versioning, inter-product dependency management, validation reporting, and loading of seed data. The Foundry curation and support team was also recently expanded to include informaticist Daniel Mendoza, available through Zulip or email (

HL7 FHIR Foundry is now opening partnership opportunities for a limited number of sponsors. For details, contact Viet Nguyen, HL7 Chief Standards Implementation Officer (CSIO).

Live Guest Speaker Tutorials

Guest speaker Richard Ettema from AEGIS gave a live tutorial on how to launch WildFHIR server using Foundry, followed by Gino Canessa from Microsoft demonstrating the new FHIR Candle server implementation also launched on Foundry for Connectathon 37. For more information, see the slides, below:

Richard Ettema from AEGIS demonstrating the download and use of WildFHIR through the HL7 FHIR Foundry.
Gino Canessa from Microsoft demonstrating download and use of WildFHIR through the HL7 FHIR Foundry.

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